How do I reach my target group?


Through advertising research, we provide insights into which ads are most effective with your target audience. Our research designs help both during development and in analyzing the effectiveness of an ongoing advertising campaign.


To do this, we use quantitative surveys as well as focus groups with selected consumers to test, for example, ad motifs, advertising messages and other communication elements in all their creative variations. We ask what impact the ads has, what consumers think about the featured products, whether they would consider buying them, and how well they understand the product after seeing the ad. We can also ask what pages participants look up online after being exposed to an ad.


Our goal is to show you how your target audience responds to ads and help you create a strong and effective advertising campaign. With the results of our analysis, we will help you refine your advertising methods, select more effective advertising media and create marketing messages that will reach your clientele even better.


Central questions of advertising research

  • Is the advertising seen? How high is its awareness, its recall?
  • In which situation and in which medium is the advertising perceived by whom and how?
  • What effect does an advertising campaign have, in a single medium or across different media?
  • What message is transported?
  • What emotional effect is created? What does the advertising trigger?
  • What influence does communication have on brand and sales?

Qualitative and quantitative advertising media testing methods

Through our qualitative and quantitative test procedures, we reliably determine the media-specific effect for all advertising media used, from the communication idea to the fully executed ATL or BTL campaign. Of course, this is done cross-medially, from classic offline communication (print, posters, TV, radio, flyers), online communication (banners, pre-rolls, YouTube, etc.) and POS advertising media, event and sponsoring activities. 


Proven qualitative and quantitative off- and online tools, such as focus groups, individual explorations, and eye tracking are used for pre-test, post-test and tracking.

Emotional advertising impact

At least as important as the factual communicative effect is the implicit emotional effect and fit of the advertising message to the brand: Does the advertising experience fit the emotional positioning? Do the design and message also harmonize with the brand on an emotional level?


We analyze and answer this exciting question with our specially developed reaction-time test procedure based on verbal and non-verbal stimuli. It avoids rationalizations that can be conventionally measured when assigning attributes to brands and advertising media. Our test procedure uncovers the underlying emotional world that significantly shapes brand preference. Thus, harmonies or possible dissonances between brand and advertising experience become transparent and can be incorporated into communication development.

Tracking & Dashboard

Automated and interactive online reporting provides you with a data basis that allows you to analyze and visualize the collected data better and faster. Depending on the question and objective of continuous data collection such as tracking, but also for ad hoc studies, individual filters and setting of time periods allow flexible adaptation and targeted answers beyond a static PowerPoint report.


Especially for trackings, a dashboard offers an additional advantage by automatically updating the data, so that you can follow new developments in the market in a timely manner. We also offer a combination of PowerPoint report and dashboard, so you can get valuable insights from our experts, but access their data at any time.


With advertising research, we systematically determine consumer response to a particular advertisement or communication in order to improve efficiency and targeting.