From idea to finished product
To minimize costs and effort, it is worthwhile to check the chances of success of new product or communication ideas at an early stage by means of (more or less standardized) concept tests. A concept test gives you a feel for the relevance and acceptance of individual designs and ideas at a very early stage of product, packaging or advertising development.
For product ideas, concepts are usually fleshed out with Insight, Benefit and Reason to Believe; for packaging ideas, for example, with scribbles or dummies.
We help to track down the needs beneath the insights, for example, with methods such as laddering (more on this: in-depth interview) and consumer observations.
When presenting communication and advertising concepts, more or less factual information must be emotionally enlivened. A factual verbal concept can then be charged affectively by a good copywriter and additional mood images. For the development of later TV spots, short audio passages similar to a radio spot (so-called narrative tapes) have proven their worth; above all, storyboards or animatics can simulate a TV spot. But in principle, advertising concepts must initially disregard the emotional effect, which is usually only created in the finalized advertising medium through visual (people, imagery, color world, cuts, etc.) and auditory effects (speaker, music, jingle, etc.). They can only be measured implicitly with a suitable method for finished advertising media.
Depending on the degree of conceptual design, market research can continuously accompany the further development up to the finished product or advertising material with quantitative or qualitative investigation approaches.