Profound Insights


Those who conduct qualitative research at MWResearch do so wholeheartedly. After all, we want to understand the feelings and thought processes of your target groups. Qualitative researchers hear what is not said in other research designs. Because qualitative research goes into depth and brings to light important – and sometimes unconscious – thought connections of your customers. In this way, it reveals background information that is so important for developing your services, products and brands.


Asking the right questions from the start…


In qualitative projects, it is important to ask the right questions. But this doesn’t start in the field: The art of good qualitative research begins with formulating the right research questions and selecting the right target group, regardless of whether they are later interviewed online, in the studio or in their own living room. Only then, of course, does it include the right moderation/interview and evaluation technique, based on sound psychological training.


…and always be there!


Even if a study is carried out in several countries or consists of a qualitative and a quantitative part – our clients are always supervised by a project manager. For international projects, we work with proven partners and moderators who are personally briefed on site by the project manager and, of course, the discussions are supervised.


All these are the backgrounds that enable us to guarantee a very high quality standard: Without loss of information, with a sound analysis and clear recommendations for action.

Qualitative Marktforschung

Only of advantage!

Use the advantages of qualitative market research e.g. for basic studies for a deeper understanding of the consumer, or for a deep insight into the social and cultural world of your customers.


We make the usage habits, perceptions, attitudes, feelings and preferences of target groups visible by uncovering motives and emotional backgrounds for consumer behavior. In doing so, we immerse ourselves in the consumer’s decision-making process: How do decisions come about? Why are they made? How are brands, products, providers and their communication perceived?


The goal of research is to identify consumer expectations, attitudes and hidden needs. As a result of a qualitative study, new ideas for products and services can be explored, understanding of brand image can be increased, or the effectiveness of advertising, marketing concepts and promotional materials can be measured.

The strengths and weaknesses of competitors as perceived by consumers can also be revealed, and insights into purchasing decisions can be generated.


In contrast to quantitative research, qualitative research hardly works with numerical data, but with linguistically conveyed content. It is the view into full life, which can also be ethnographically and observationally guided.

Using the appropriate methods


Of course, we conduct all approaches online as well as offline. The essential methods of qualitative market research at MWResearch are:

  • Focus Groups
  • In-Depth Interviews (IDI)
  • Ethnographies
  • Creative Workshops
  • InsightsLounge: Online Response Panel


Dive with us into the thinking and emotional world of your customers and learn to understand their expectations and hidden needs even better and to use them for your communication and product development.